  • 2023年,香港50歲或以的人佔全港人口50%左右。65歲或以上長者佔21%(157萬人);
  • 香港男性平均壽命為82.5歲,女性平均壽命為87.8歲;
  • 2021年香港共有188,569戶獨居長者及147,091戶雙老家庭


  • 澳洲研究結果顯示,從45歲開始,有60%人士會患有至少一種長期疾病,最常見疾病例如:精神行為病、背痛、關節炎、哮喘、糖尿病、心血管病等等 ...
  • 到了65歲便增加到80%患病機會。

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Health conditions prevalence 2022 [1][2]

  • 2021年本港的總勞動人口達387萬人,長者勞動人口佔145萬;
  • 在香港公立醫院等侯專科醫生的平均時間約為6-24個月。手術排期最長等逾4年。
  • 香港病人通常可以在私人醫療市場得到較短的時間內預約看診,並享受快速的診斷和治療。問題是私人醫療費用較高,可能對一些人造成負擔。


  • 即使您今天感覺良好,定期身體檢查仍然是必要的。檢查能夠及早發現潛在的健康問題並進行治療,不僅是對自己的負責,也能減輕家人的負擔。只有擁有健康的身體,才能繼續追求幸福快樂的人生。





Promoting Health and Longevity, Caring for the Elderly
  • In 2023, individuals aged 50 and above accounted for approximately 50% of the total population in Hong Kong. Among them, seniors aged 65 and above constituted 21% (1.57 million people).
  • The average life expectancy for males in Hong Kong was 82.5 years, while for females, it was 87.8 years.
  • As of 2021, there were a total of 188,569 households with elderly individuals living alone and 147,091 households consisting of elderly couples.


As Age Advances, Diseases May Increase
  • Research from Australia indicates that starting from the age of 45, approximately 60% of individuals will experience at least one chronic illness. The most common conditions include mental health disorders, back pain, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and others.
  • By the age of 65, the likelihood of developing a chronic illness increases to 80%.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Health conditions prevalence 2022 [1][2]

Protection Diminishes for Retirees
  • In 2021, Hong Kong's total workforce reached 3.87 million people, with elderly workers comprising 1.45 million. Data indicates that 37% of employees, primarily from small and medium-sized enterprises, lack group medical coverage.
  • The average waiting time to see a specialist in public hospitals in Hong Kong ranges from 6 to 24 months, with surgical wait times exceeding 4 years in some cases.
  • Patients in Hong Kong typically have shorter wait times for appointments and faster diagnosis and treatment in the private healthcare market. However, the higher costs associated with private medical care may pose a burden for some individuals.


Discover Early, Enjoy Life to the Fullest
  • Even if you feel fine today, regular health check-ups are still necessary. These examinations can help detect potential health issues early and initiate treatment promptly. It's not only a responsibility to oneself but also alleviates the burden on family members. Only with a healthy body can one continue to pursue a happy and fulfilling life.


Top-Tier Hospital: Ensuring Confidence
  • We collaborate with top-tier hospitals' affiliated health examination centers in mainland China to establish expedited channels, facilitating health check-ups for Hong Kong residents traveling north. Our hospitals offer comprehensive and professional examination services, utilizing the most advanced equipment and technology worldwide, and conducted by an experienced team of experts to ensure accurate and reliable assessment
  • Authorised Document
  • Source: What is Top-Tier Hospital ?


Health check-up services
